Name Surname

¡Hola! I'm Manuel Rodriguez-Sanchez

I'm a Cross-Platform Mobile Engineer, currently freelancing on the side.

Say hi!👋🏼

About me 🙋🏻‍♂️

I’m based in Europe, mainly in Madrid, Spain, but I also enjoy traveling and working remotely from different cities. I studied Informatics Engineering in Cádiz, a small town in the south of Spain, and London. I’m really passionate about React Native, Cross-Platform technologies, and how people interact with devices. I absolutely love collecting and listening to music, and I’m always carrying a film camera with me to snap some pictures.

What I’ve been up to 👨🏻‍💻

  • Madrid, Spain
    New Jersey, USA
    April 21 - Present
    (2 years)
    Mobile Lead - Bolster

    In 2021, I joined Bolster, working alongside former colleagues from Upturn as well as new team members. As the mobile lead, I took on the responsibility of starting the project from scratch and defining the mobile architecture. During this time I've been learning about: Lead role, Product development, Python, Hexagonal architecture, AWS

  • Madrid, Spain
    San Francisco, USA
    Nov 18 - April 21
    (3 years)
    Cross-Platform Mobile Engineer - Intelygenz / Upturn

    I had the chance to work on a React Native project for Upturn Credit, a well-known American FinTech company. As part of the project, I was responsible for developing their mobile application from scratch. Learned about: React Native, Jest, Cucumber, React, ATDD, NodeJS, Snapshot Testing, Redux, Architecture

  • Madrid, Spain
    Feb 18 - Nov 18
    (1 year)
    Full Stack Developer - Intelygenz

    I worked on an Ionic project for a fast food company in Spain, helping to develop their mobile application. As part of Intelygenz's cross-platform development team, I also worked on several other mobile and web projects, mostly using Ionic and React.Learned about: Ionic, Jira, Testing, HTML, CSS

  • Cádiz, Spain
    Jul 17 - Aug 17
    (2 months)
    Web Developer - Friking Design S.L.

    I was part of a team that developed a BackOffice WebApp for Friking, where I contributed to database design and management.The WebApp was built using Django in PythonLearned about: Django Python, Database Design

  • Cádiz, Spain
    Mar 17 - Jun 17
    (5 months)
    Computer Science Department Intern - University of Cádiz

    Support and evolution of the Android application 'GuessIt!' for learning languages in a university environment. Database administration and obtaining usage statistics of the application from the MySQL database. Learned about: Android, MySQL, Database and system administration

Education 📖

  • London, UK
    Sept 17 - Sept 18
    Engineering Exchange Student - Kingston University

    During this engineering exchange with Kingston University, I was enrolled in modules such as 3D Graphics Programming, High Level Game Development and Project Management. Throughout the year I worked part-time on writing a paper about Cross-Platform technologies. Also, I learned how is living in a foreign country and about cultural diversity.

  • Cádiz, Spain
    Sept 14 - Sept 18
    Informatics Engineering, BSc - University of Cádiz

    At the University of Cádiz, I learned the basics of programming and engineering. I specialized in Software Engineering and project management. I learned languages and technologies such as Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, Angular and MongoDB, among others.


Projects 📱

    Name Surname

    Mobile application where users can monitor their credit score and initiate disputes regarding items on their credit report.

    Take a look!
    Name Surname

    Comparative study between most used Cross-Platform frameworks used in the software industry

    Take a look!
    Name Surname

    A bot that automatically adds the release dates of your favorite Netflix shows to your Google Calendar.

    Take a look!

Say hi!👋🏼

You have a question or just want to say hi? Contact me!